Be wise!! Do you want to avoid surgeries and get off pain meds? Do you want to dress and feed yourself as you age? "Movement is life, Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve life itself." ~Moshe Feldenkrais
There was a point in my training when I dropped my jaw and said to myself no one is going to believe the capability of this method. People we worked with got rid of severe pain in one session. This cerebral palsy women walked in with poles in her hands to catch her balance and after four sessions walked out without poles. MS people could navigate their surrounding with little effort. Severe depressed people could change their self image creating powerful change in their lives quickly. An older women after one session could feel movement in her body she had never felt before.
Trust me when I say this method reaches people deeper then ever thought possible. Jaw dropping. Please don't cut nerves in half through a surgery because of pain or stiffness within your body. Come see me first, it is extremely important for long term movement options and living without pain. ok.
*** Best of all we teach you how to increase movement and relieve pain so you can sustain it yourself. Turning your system into a learning system that will continue to make you feel younger and younger. *******
Any pain, stiffness, emotional or neurological disorders can have huge improvements in a simple yet powerful way. This method is life changing
Be Wise start now, don't wait another day.